• 9,842.52
    • 153.10
    • 0
    • Total surface
      Irrigated area
    • 436
  • -
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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

  1. How frequently should I have to apply fertilizer? How many fertilizer applications do you recommend? A) 2 – 3 applications for stage 1, and, and 3 – 4 applications for stage 2, 3, and 4.
  2. Is it necessary to apply fertilizer every time I water plants? A) No it is not necessary, although it depends on plant growth and its response. Try to fit the number of fertilizer applications we recommended. For example in onions crop if you have 15 – 20 irrigations for the whole season, then try to include 12 – 15 fertilizer applications in the total number of irrigations.
  3. When do I apply fertilizer with every irrigation? What is the exact time of fertilizer application?? A) For good results it is always recommended to apply fertilizer in the last few hours of irrigation because of enough moisture at the root zone. If you have 8 hours of total irrigation hours then use last two hours for fertilizer application.
  4. Can I apply less fertilizer and increase water use efficiency? A) Yes, the amount of fertilizer applied depends on your decision on fertigation time. Make the best judgment depending on the factors like crop response, temperature and amount you spend.
  5. What do you mean by terms Irrigation and Fertigation? Difference between Irrigation and Fertigation? A) The term Irrigation means the amount of water given to plants through a channel or system. Fertigation means fertilizer applied to plants with Irrigation.
  6. What factors should I Use? Pounds (lbs.) per acre or gallons of stock solution per min? A) Either of the data can be used. Pounds per acre is the actual application rate of fertilizer and gallons of stock solution per minute is to adjust the injection rate by increasing or decreasing the pressure of the system to avoid poor distribution of fertilizer.
  7. What is the Ideal injection rate for the irrigation system? A) 300 to 600 Gal/hr depending on concentration rate that you choose. For example, 0.75 concentration rate is equivalent to 7.5 Gal (28.4 liters) of stock solution per 1000 Gal (3,785 liters) of water per minute (according your irrigation system, pressure, and pipe or lay flat diameter).
  8. When do I apply Calcium Nitrate? A) It is always recommended to apply Calcium Nitrate separately because of its low compatibility with other nutrients. You can either apply Calcium Nitrate before or after the Soludrip® fertilizer applications. Irrigation flow rate and Injection rate remains same for Calcium Nitrate and Soludrip® formula fertilizer.
  9. Can I choose any Irrigation system for any crop? A) Yes, but it is always recommendable to follow specific irrigation system for specific crops. For example most of the vegetable crops for its better quality and quantity is with drip irrigation system.
  10. Is Soludrip® only for drip Irrigation systems? A) No, It can be applied with any irrigation system. Soludrip® is a special fertilizer formulation designed for specific crop and its phenological stage.
  11. How do I mix the Soludrip® water soluble fertilizer in water? A) Fill up the dispenser tank with water up to 50% and turn on the agitator. Add the Soludrip® fertilizer and complete the adding of fertilizer simultaneously with water. Keep the agitation on until you feel the total product is dissolved. Whenever you feel there is any product not dissolved, add more water and turn on the agitation.
  12. What nutrients are you applying exactly with every Soludrip® water soluble fertilizer? A) Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur, Magnesium and Micronutrients like Boron, Manganese, Zinc and Iron in a balanced form.
  13. Do I have to apply Micronutrients other than Soludrip® formulations? A) No, you don’t have to apply any special Micronutrients other than Soludrip® fertilizer formulations as all our formulations are designed with Micronutrients which are enough for plant to complete its life cycle. But if you observe any deficiency symptoms then 1 or 2 foliar sprays is recommended.
  14. Is Soludrip® formulation organic? A) Not completely as 90% of the material is made up of inorganic fertilizers, but a portion of it are carboxylic acids which are organic.
  15. Can we apply humic acid or fulvic acid if we apply Soludrip®? A) Yes, you can apply organic acids with Soludrip® formulation but it is always recommend doing the test in a jar to check its compatibility..
  16. Is it Soludrip® Compatible with herbicides and Insectides? A) Yes, it is compatible with herbicides and Insectides but it is always recommended to do the jar test..
  17. What is the pH of the Soludrip® formulation stock solution? A) It is slightly acidic. It ranges from 3.5 to 4.5 depending of each formula.
  18. What is the Electrical Conductivity of the Soludrip® formulation on final stock solution? A) Most of the Soludrip® formulations have Electrical Conductivity less than 1.4 dS/m; between 0.8 to 1.4 dS/m. Calcium Nitrate has his own EC. All our Soludrip® formulations are designed not to exceed threshold limit of EC for particular crop.
Select the information about the type of crop and its phenological stage. Once you select irrigation system, fill up the information regarding row space, drip space and emitter flow rate.
Select hours of fertigation according to the crop stage. Manage the Calcium Nitrate bar if applies, and then manage the standard nutrients requirement with Soludrip® formulation.
Check the dosage and/or bags per acre. Determine your storage tank capacity, which will give you the total volume of fertilizer stock solution to be applied for the selected crop and phenological stage.